

School Tour 2014

In 2014, 18 students from Mandurah Baptist College travelled to Yogyakarta on an ACICIS Indonesia School Tour. The trip was a great experience for the students. Mr Tavish Redgrave, the Indonesian teacher at the college was very happy with the tour that was provided: "The tour provided an opportunity where [...]

September 10th, 2014|Categories: School Tour Testimonials|Tags: , , , , |

Jaywalking through Jakarta

By Madura McCormack, JPP 2014
Murdoch University

About two minutes after exiting Soekarno-Hatta Airport, you’ll notice that Indonesia has about zero traffic regulations. There are times where I’ve lost track which direction the vehicles were supposed to be going in the first place.

Kevin Rudd visits ACICIS

ACICIS was delighted when the Hon. Kevin Rudd, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, made a surprise visit to meet the students at the ACICIS professional practicum programs in Jakarta on Monday 9 January 2012, during a brief visit to Jakarta on his way to New York. Mr Rudd was welcomed [...]

October 28th, 2012|Categories: General News|Tags: , , |

IFGU July 2012

By Lyndall Franks, 2012 Department of Education, NSW I cannot speak highly enough of my experiences as a participant in the July 2012 IFGU study tour. The tour was extremely well planned and organised, and at all times I felt a huge sense of satisfaction that we were in [...]

August 6th, 2012|Categories: Tour Testimonials|Tags: , , , , |

Australian Foreign Minister visits ACICIS

On Saturday 14 July 2012, a group of ACICIS students were invited to meet with the Australian Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr, during his visit to Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The meeting was a unique opportunity for university students and participants in a school tour from Perth’s Scotch College to talk to the Minister about their experiences and the value of learning language in-country.

July 14th, 2012|Categories: General News|Tags: , , |

School Tour 2012

ACICIS was delighted to host its first ever school tour when Scotch College from Western Australia visited Yogyakarta in July 2012 for a 9-day study tour. In the Scotch party were 7 boys and 2 teachers.

Students participated in all components of the tour:

Engaging with Indonesia

By Shireen Thomas, 2012
Brooks High School, TAS

I feel extremely fortunate and privileged to have been part of this exciting learning opportunity provided by ACICIS. The pre-departure organisation and communication was excellent, making for a very confident beginning to the study tour.

March 19th, 2012|Categories: Tour Testimonials|Tags: , , , |

Lauren’s Indonesian Experience

By Lauren Hewitson, 2012 Geraldton Primary School, WA I’m not sure if it was the fear of change, a new place, new people, or whether I was even worthy of being accepted into a program such as Indonesia from the ground up!, but I was terrified. However, I felt this [...]

February 23rd, 2012|Categories: Tour Testimonials|Tags: , , , |

First Recipient of the Lestari Widyastuti Scholarship

The first holder of the Lestari Widyastuti scholarship is Fuad Zaka, an UGM student of English language and literature. He is a student from Jombang in East Java, turning 26 in December 2011. He was educated mainly in Islamic schools in Jombang before joining the English department at UGM in [...]

September 22nd, 2011|Categories: Community News|Tags: , , , |


By Alex Gibson (Semester 31/Aug 2010 & Semester 32/Feb 2011) University of Western Australia Sitting on the floor of my kost and reflecting on the past year brings to light a number of different and conflicting feelings. Firstly how lucky I have been to experience this wonderful place, culture and [...]