New Colombo Plan - Connect to Australia’s future - study in the region.

Public Health Study Tour

Samuel Yap is a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant recipient from RMIT University. Samuel undertook the Public Health Study Tour in January 2023. Samuel is studying Bachelor of Nursing.

Q:Why did you decide to undertake the ACICIS Public Health Study Tour?

I decided to undertake to ACICIS program to get an understanding in the International public health system. I wanted to have the opportunity to learn about Indonesia in a broad sense.


Q: Did you receive a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant? If so, how did this contribute to your experience in Indonesia?

I was a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant recipient, it provided me with the majority of what the subject cost to undertake. It allowed me to have access to studying abroad, through the provision of funds. I had a great time in Indonesia, the grant allowed me to go otherwise i would not of been able to afford the trip.


Q: What did you find to be the most challenging about your experience on the PHST?

As i have some food allergies, i did find it hard through the two weeks to be sure of what i was eating. I enjoy cooking my own meals, i am very simple like that. For me i found it very difficult not having the option to cook for myself.


Q: What public health issues in Indonesia have you become more interested in/aware of as a result of this tour?

I had my eyes widened from the issue of the large amount of the population still smoking cigarette. This interested me as we have seen a decrease in cigarette smoking in Australia. This is a wide spread issue that causes massive burden on healthcare through the increase in morbidity produced. It was a very interesting issue to learn about how it impacts on the public health system.


Q: What was your favourite field trip? Explain why.

My favourite field trip was too the waste management facility from Jakarta. We were able to see how the community can make a livelihood from so little. By turning organic and inorganic waste products into revenue sources; plants, kerosene, methane and fertilisers. It was an amazing experience to see such a positive impact on the community. While also reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfill.


Q: How do you think the Public Health Study Tour will influence your future career or studies?

The PHST has provided myself with information that I wouldn’t of had beforehand. I think it has given me good insight into the public health care system. As i am studying bachelor of Nursing I do not think it will affect my future course direction at this stage. But I do have an interest in health prevention, that I might like to undertake late in life.


Q:What did you most enjoy about the seminar series?

It was an amazing experience to be able to learn from some of the brightest minds in Indonesia. The incredible knowledge that the professors had was remarkable. The ability to have Q&A after each seminar, I found extremely helpful to ask other questions about what we have learnt and also to pose questions to them on how Indonesias methods compare to other countries.


Q: What was your favourite aspect about visiting Indonesia?

I found that the Indonesian people were so friendly and warm hearted that it made me feel very welcomed. My favourite aspect was the amazing landscape and temples of Indonesia. The beautiful country side, breathtaking volcanoes and the stunning banyan trees.