In January 2024 (ACICIS’ Semester 58), ACICIS welcomed two students into the Agriculture Semester Program (ASP) to study at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) University. This program allowed students to enrol in internationally accredited study programs at the host university, with a focus on Agriculture, Ocean, and Biosciences. Over the six-month period in Bogor, the students made significant improvements in their Indonesian language skills and gained valuable insights into cross-cultural differences.

At the start of the program, there were four days of orientation to help students become familiar with various topics, including familiarising themselves with ACICIS and IPB University, securing accommodation, and understanding Indonesian culture. Additionally, they were introduced to their student buddies, who were there to assist them in adjusting to their new surroundings.

In addition to their courses at IPB University, they participated in professional placements around Bogor. For example, Jordan Campbell from Curtin University interned at IPB University’s Advanced Research Lab (AR Lab). This institution is a specialised facility to support advanced scientists in education, research, and community service. During his time in AR Lab, Jordan focused on Metabolomics research, mentored by one of the core scientists of the lab, Prof Dr Mohamad Rafi, S.Si., M.Si. Through lectures and practice, he has learned how to conduct metabolomics analysis with fellow researchers, especially for plant metabolomics. What has been obtained during this internship can be used as an experience for his doctoral degree research (PhD) since it correlates with his final thesis.

They also had the opportunity to visit Kampung Cinangneng as a field trip destination. The tourist site introduced the Sundanese people’s culture and traditions. They painted intricate designs on straw hats (known as caping), crafted wayang puppets from cassava leaves, and learned to play angklung and other traditional instruments. Later, they experienced activities that were common to traditional farmers. In the rice fields, they planted rice, followed by bathing buffalos in the river.


A semester in Indonesia did not only allow them to explore Bogor city. For example, Natalie went to Jakarta, Pangkalan Bun, and Bali. She witnessed various tropical flora and fauna specific to each location and even got to go snorkelling. Jordan Campbell also took individual trips to Sumatra, Bandung, and other places in Indonesia, where he thoroughly enjoyed exploring the diverse terrains and immersing himself in nature.

At the conclusion of the program, we gathered for a heartfelt lunch to bid a fond farewell. We extend our sincere congratulations and express our best wishes to Jordan and Natalie in their forthcoming endeavours!