At the beginning of their semester, ACICIS Indonesian Business, Law and Society students are enrolled in a compulsory Indonesian Language and Culture class at the Centre for International Language and Culture Studies (CILACS). This class is taught at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level, and provides students with the opportunity to gain an understanding of Indonesian culture and language, with the support of the Universitas Islam Indonesia faculty staff and student buddies. At the conclusion of the semester, students have the opportunity to participate in cultural activities organised by CILACS, this semester these activities included Javanese traditional dance and cooking traditional Indonesian food “Pecel”.
Rose Matthews from the University of Western Australia participated in traditional Javanese dance “Nawung Sekar”. Rose also had the opportunity to try on traditional costumes and to work with traditional props.
Barnaby Pekin Store’s from Griffith University had the opportunity to practice his Indonesian language skills at an Indonesian market (Pasar) to collect ingredients. He later had the opportunity to cook “Pecel” a classic piece of Indonesian cuisine.