is a project initiated by the Urban Risk Lab at MIT (Massachussets Institute of Technology). The objective of the project is to further develop the CogniCity Open Source Software as a free, transparent, enterprise-level platform for emergency response and disaster management in mega-cities in South and Southeast Asia.
As these cities continue to become increasingly complex systems of people and infrastructure, extreme weather events and long term environmental changes pose acute challenges for disaster response and humanitarian action. CogniCity OSS helps the residents of megacities adapt to climate change. By gathering, sorting, and visualizing data, CogniCity transforms the noise of social and digital media into critical information for residents, communities, and government agencies. Continuing the success of, platform is being developed to also accommodate the innovative use of infrastructure to make the data collection and disaster management more effective. specialises in:
Open data, urban infrastructure, humanitarian action, disaster management
Students must have an interest in: applied research; applied design; graphic design; computer science; geographical information; group work
Intern Duties:
Interns will work with a team to address real-time issues with the platform during the monsoon season (details to be confirmed upon arrival).
Work Hours:
10.00 am – 05.00 pm (some activities may include travel)
Address: Field Office
Jl. Sumbing No. 17
Kelurahan Guntur, Kecamatan Setiabudi
South Jakarta, Indonesia 12980
Website: (under construction)